Your Residential Structural Engineer in Edmonton Helping Homeowners and Builders
BIE Engineering Corp offers residential structural engineer services in Edmonton. Are you planning new home construction, addition or renovation? BIE Engineering Corp provides residential structural engineering and design services in Edmonton and throughout Fort Mac and Northern Alberta for homeowners, homebuilders, developers and architects. From small projects for a single-family home or larger designs for a suburban development, we we can help ensure you have obtained the required permits from local authorities and that all work is 100% compliant. We are also licensed to provide design services in British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario.
Structural Engineering Services for Your Home
BIE Engineering Corp is not a construction company, but we work with architects’ plans and your construction company to ensure compliance and quality. For pre-construction design work and engineering, request a quote online or call to book an appointment at your site in Edmonton, Fort Mac, or Northern Alberta. You may even submit your plans with your request.
As a trusted residential structural engineer in Edmonton, BIE Engineering Corp provides consulting and construction review services for many types of projects. These include but are not limited to the following:
Home renovations
Wall removal
Concrete foundations
New window openings
Grade beam and pile foundations
Thickened slabs
Deck & veranda piles
Concrete brackets
Screw piles
Window details
Stair details
Lateral bracing
Lateral bracing for foundation walls over 9’
Column footing details
Tall walls
Steel beams
Retaining walls
Structural slabs
Brick angle support details
Cultured stone cladding
Preserved wood foundations (PWF)
Insulating concrete forms (ICF)
Pole sheds
Read our blog to learn more about consulting a structural engineer for home renovation projects in Edmonton.