Building a new structure from the ground up is a huge undertaking. From design to execution, hiring a structural engineer in Edmonton will help to ensure that your new project is built according to the highest standards and will be safe and structurally sound for years to come. Engineering companies provide important structural design services in Edmonton that help minimize risk and prevent future problems.
RESIDENTIAL SERVICES Residential structural engineering companies work with building design teams to ensure that renovations, demolitions and new construction adheres to both the design conception and the safety standards set out by both the municipal and the provincial government. Engineering companies in Edmonton provide structural design and consulting services for a range of projects including:
Brick angle support details
Column footing details
Concrete brackets
Concrete foundations
Cultured stone cladding
Deck and veranda piles
Grade beam foundations
Home renovations
Insulating concrete forms
Lateral bracing
New window openings
Retaining walls
Stair details
Wall removal
Window details
Wood foundations
No matter how big or small your construction project is, enlisting the help of a structural engineering company will ensure that your project is a success. Structural engineers have the expertise you need to come in on time, on budget with complete industry compliance. COMMERCIAL SERVICES For commercial building projects in Edmonton, a structural engineer is an invaluable asset to your design team. A commercial structural engineer will review your design plans and ensure that you have all the appropriate documentation and zoning permits required to move forward. They’ll also investigate the possibility of any deficiencies in the construction and recommend solutions to improve the structural integrity of the completed project. A commercial structural engineer can provide structural design services in Edmonton on a number of projects such as:
Apartment complexes
Barns and agricultural structures
Multi-family units
Pre-engineered steel buildings
Steel buildings
Storage facilities
Underground parking lots
And much more
CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES Having an independent consultant at your disposal during every stage of construction will ensure that your project is completed safely, efficiently and to the highest possible standard. Engineering consultants work with architects, home builders, homeowners and construction crews to make sure that your building is structurally sound and strong enough to withstand tough weather and daily stresses. BIE Engineering Corp provides both commercial and residential structural engineering services to a wide variety of clientele in Edmonton and throughout Northern Alberta. We have experience in engineering, structural design, construction reviews, soil testing and more. Contact us today to learn more about our consulting and structural design services in Edmonton or to request a quote.